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The Result of Practical Research This assessment was developed through longitudinal research in the Pomona Unified School District, Pomona, California, by Dorothy Henson-Parker. The purpose of this study was simple. We wanted to use color with children in our district so that their visual perceptual skills, and thus their ability to profit from reading instruction, could be improved. Seven teachers at two different Pomona schools volunteered to undertake the project and were supported by their administrators. Thus, the project was begun with a total of 7 classes of regular education students grades 1 through 3. Students were tested and then retested after 2 months, after 1 year and after 2 years. Each time, the students were tested by their original classroom teacher. Students were followed during this entire 2-year period and continued to be monitored if they remained in PUSD. Results of Original Study After two years of formal individual testing, scores showed a significant increase in the students' achievement levels. Specifically, the percentage of students scoring . . .
below grade level, was reduced by 22 percent. If you want to view and/or print the complete paper, presented at the International School Psychology XXth Annual Colloquim, in Melborne, Australia, click on the following link, Diagnosis and Remediation of Visual Perceptual Problems by the use of colored Transparencies - A New Approach Group Screening The author has been developing a group assessment for several years. It has been field tested on approximately 60 classes, elementary through college level, including a group of students at Loma Linda University. The teachers of these classes have helped to screen their own students and learned the method at the same time to be used by them with subsequent classes. A training manual in group assessment will be finished about the Spring of 2006, as well as a training video which will include footage of both elementary and secondary students. The following is information about 3 classes that were screened using the new group method. Study of Group Screening The group screening of 3 primary classes was done at two Pomona USD schools (Kingsley and Montvue). John Michael Duffy, PhD. of Pomona USD evaluated the statistical results in a report dated 2/12/98. The first paragraph states the following: The findings of the evaluation support the argument that participation in the program (Light Sensitivity Project) leads to higher achievement scores. New research is in progress. If you would like to view and/or print a copy of the full report, click the following link: Evaluation of the Light Sensitivity Project in Pomona Unified School District (57 kb). Photon
Induced Visual Abnormalities (PIVA) Michael C. Parker, a professional engineer and Bureau Chief at the Bureau of Nuclear Facility Safety in Springfield, Illinois, posits a new theory of what is actually happening to cause the visual distortions seen on the printed page by some individuals and why the transparencies work to either diminish or completely eliminate the distortions. His "paper presents a unique fundamental causal theory for some forms of visual dyslexia. This work posits that photon energies, specific to hypersensitive individuals, induce within the eye's photopic photoreceptors the conditions that create dyslexic-type visual abnormalities, and that those photon energies can be effectively suppressed before they reach the visual system of susceptible individuals. Dyslexic individuals often experience symptomatic relief when treated with specific colored transparent overlays. This work is an outcome arising from a rigorous mathematical analysis of therapeutically successful colored transparency performance (see Henson-Parker reference) and electromagnetic spectrum physics." If
you would like to view and/or print a copy of the complete paper, click
on the following link: Photon
Induced Visual Abnormalities (PIVA) and Visual Dyslexia |
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